Up on all fours...
As the heading says we have seen a week of firsts here. It all seems to be happening way too fast! As you see above Mackenzie has started to go up on all fours. Trying to get that on camera proved a little tricky, but I eventually got it! I was actually a little shocked to see her do it because I'm so not ready for her to start crawling! I'm hoping she can wait a little while before she starts. It would be nice for John to experience some firsts for himself, not to mention that I want him to baby proof the house for me!
The official first snotty face shot!
Mackenzie ended up with a pretty bad head cold this week too. Monday night she woke up and it sounded like she had a frog in her throat, which ended up turning into a pretty nasty cough and a lot of snot! The doctor checked her out on Friday when we went back for her eczema check up and said that it's basically all her in nose which is good. For a while there I was starting to think that she might have an ear infection because she kept pulling on one of her ears. She does it when she's sleepy, but I wasn't sure because at night time she was miserable! She is on the mend though now. She loves the saline drops in her nose and when I attempt to pump all the stuff out which kind of weirds me out! Oh, and he eczema is coming a long too. I have to continue putting the cream on it again, but it seems to be clearing up fine.
All dressed up in her pearls for her first veggie meal!
This week she also started on veggies and so far she's doing great. Shes had squash and today she had green beans. I thought we may have some problems with the green beans, but she seemed to enjoy them. She ate every bite! We will continue to work through the veggies to make sure there are no allergies and then we will start on the fruit. I'm looking forward to starting her on the fruit because I think once she tries that and I can mix the cereal in she'll be more inclined to eat the cereal.
I still haven't got a high chair yet, so I have been feeding her at her activity center. She cracks me up, because she now runs around in it, so when I was feeding her she would stop for a bite then run around the table! It gets messy real fast so I'll be picking up a high chair at some point this week. She really loves the activity center now. Like I mentioned she runs around it and I can see her now taking proper steps. Today when I was taking her into the bathroom to prepare her bath I stood her up and walked with her and she took the steps along with me, which freaked me out a little! Could my girl be wanting to walk soon?
Hanging out in one of her favourite places!
As for me I've had a long week. I had school to finish up which was a little tough with Mackenzie not feeling 100%. She was having trouble sleeping which limited my time for study even further. I managed to get it done though and I'm so relieved to be done. When it comes to study I'm feeling completely burnt out. I'm taking the Summer off, and will probably do one class in the Fall just to make sure I don't give up completely and because John won't be here. I am proud of myself for getting the classes done and I should hopefully come out of this with maybe an A in one class and a B in the other. For the last two nights I have actually starting reading for pleasure again so I'm beginning to feel a lot more relaxed!
John is doing fine and is down to weeks left in Bahrain. He moves out of his apartment June 1st and will be in a hotel until he leaves June 5. He's been doing some social things lately with the other chiefs so it's nice to hear that he's getting the time to relax. I do tend to give him a little bit of a hard time when he tells me about that though because I'm not able to do that! I keep telling him..."all I want is to be able to take a bath!!" I think that will be one of the first things I do once he finally gets home.
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What are you reading now??
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