Thursday, May 21, 2009

Counting Down to July

Well I kind of knew that John wouldn't be allowed to come home early, but I was still holding out that the Navy might cut us a break for once. I'm still a little down about it, but what can I do about it? Ice cream does not seem to be filling the void so I guess I need to get over it and continue to count down the days. I believe John finishes school July 2, but at the moment that still feels like a million years away...I just want him to come home!
Not a whole lot happening this week. Mackenzie has some how ended up with a head cold so that has been a little tough on the both of us. Monday night she woke up with a horrible cough so we have had some very long nights since then. We have a follow up appointment with the doctor tomorrow about her face so I'm going to get her to check her out to make sure it's just a cold. She had a mild temperature Tuesday, but apart from that she's doing ok. It's just the nights when it becomes a little difficult. If she just knew how to bring the phlegm (sorry Marn's I know you're probably horrified by that statement! :)) up I think she would feel a lot better.
This week is also my final week of school so as you can imagine having Mackenzie sick is horrible timing. Last night I had to turn in a paper that so wasn't finished, but I did it anyway. I'm just so over school. I sent an email to my professor explaining my situation, but I'm hoping I come out of the class with a B. I have to do a test in my other class and then I'm done. I just can't wait to not have to worry about trying to get school work done!

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