Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Week of Vomiting!

Just a quick update without any photos! I know how much people want to see them, but I haven't had the time this week! We have had a crazy week! We have both been sick and spent two days at home and neither of us are 100% yet! It's that time of the year when the kids seem to get one thing after another!
On Tuesday I woke up feeling terrible but having planned some activities for Australia Day I was determined to suck it up and get on with the day. As we were eating breakfast however Mackenzie threw first sign all was not well! I figured at that point we would still go as it wasn't a huge vomit and she seemed her normal happy self. So there we were both in our Aussie shirts when Mackenzie threw up for a second time, this time it was a lot so I called out and got her a doctors appointment. The doctor said it looked like she had the gastro bug that was doing the rounds.
We stayed home Tuesday and Wednesday. Then on Thursday we went back, but unfortunately her vomiting changed. Now it was as she coughed. This is still continuing, but is beginning to settle down now that we have been back to the doctors and have some medication. The doctors seems to believe that she has an upper respiratory infection, which fortunately for us has not gone into her lungs. She gave us some medication to hopefully dry up all the snot which is dripping and causing her to cough and in turn throw up! We have been sleeping on towels all week and don't go anywhere without a spare change of clothes or two.
Now to some more up beat news! She's trying really hard with her walking! This weekend she's been pulling herself up and walking around the furniture. She doesn't yet have the confidence to walk too far from something to help her. The funny thing about it though is that when she does move away from the furniture she is walking too fast so of course she ends up losing her balance! I'm trying to tell her to slow down, but she looks at me with that I'll do it my way look so I let her go.
Not much else to report. Still no word on when John is coming home. I guess from facebook they had some of the people from Avatar go out to the ship to meet with them and show them the movie. I'm not sure if John got to see it yet, but that was a nice thing for them. Not much planned for this week either, just keep your fingers crossed for us that we get back to feeling 100%!!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Get better soon Jodi and Mackenzie!
Jess xxx