Sunday, November 2, 2008


Our bear and Yoda waiting for the parade!

Friday was Halloween and it was a lot of fun at work! The kids, especially the older ones come in so excited in their costumes. They love going on the parade through the center collecting candy from the other rooms. After the parade the older kids then have a party for lunch, so it is a really big day for them.

Our little lamb got a little tired while watching the parade!

Us teachers also had a little party for lunch. We had a pot luck lunch which was really yummy!! I had a little of everything which didn't affect my blood sugar. It's all about moderation. I made a lasagna which I thought tasted great. I haven't done a lot of cooking lately with my diabetes and only having myself to cook for, so it was great to get back into the kitchen. I am really looking forward to being able to cook a little more once this baby is out and I don't have to worry about my sugar levels anymore! I've become very reliant on microwave meals and I don't really like it! I guess I only have a matter of weeks to go!!

Some of the two year olds!

One of our two cowboys!

Me and my fellow Charger fan!!
Halloween at home was a little disappointing. I had a lot of people coming around who didn't even bother dressing up. I still handed out the candy though because being on my own I didn't want any trouble. I did have a few cute kids come to the door. One little boy was Captain Jack Sparrow who looked really cute! A lot of the other kids were a little bit older and dressed up like monster and other scary things. By about 8pm I locked up the house and was in bed.
I haven't done much this weekend. I went out to Target yesterday and got everything that was still on my gift registry. It was expensive, but I think I now have everything the baby will need! I'm in the process of getting the room ready to go so everything should be in order before her arrival. It's had to believe how much stuff something so little needs!!
We also had our time change this weekend, so today I got an extra hour of sleep which was nice. This whole weekend I have actually slept a lot more than I have in a while. I've been going to bed early and I've had some afternoon naps both today and yesterday, so I'm feeling very rested. I have only three more weeks of work left and I'm pretty excited about that too. I'm finding that the last week or two I'm tiring a lot earlier than what I used too! On Wednesday I also have a day off as my doctors appointment landed in the middle of the day. This weeks appointment marks the beginning of my weekly ones.
John is doing fine and is still at sea. He was able to call me this weekend on the satellite phone which was really good. I still have no idea when he will get back to Bahrain, but I'm guessing that it has to be soon! All I know is that he needs to be back in time to come home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah how cute. I especially love the little cowboy! You're looking really well. xx