Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's been a rough week!!

Me and the bride...doesn't she look beautiful!

Brittny, Cassie and Marisa...some of my friends from work.

Jennifer and her husband Adam...she's pregnant too, about 3 or 4 weeks behind me!

Me and my friend Mere!

The happy couple walking fast down the aisle!!

Sasha with her Dad and Step-Dad about to walk down the aisle

This is Nathan, Sasha and Mike's son...he looked so cute!!!

Well I'd like to write that everything is going fine and I'm doing good, but to be honest, it's been a really rough week for me. I've been following the meal plans, getting in some exercise and nothing seems to be working! My sugar levels are still too high. I'm back to the doctors tomorrow and I already know that it will be time for insulin. I'm a lot more accepting of it than I was a week or so ago, because I can see the medication is not working. I'm just a little down because I'm doing everything right but my body is letting me down. I'm also struggling with a head cold which is not helping any! On Friday I came home early and slept for most of the day and woke up still feeling terrible. It's still not much better today but I'm dealing with it as best as I can. The baby is doing fine, but her Mum is a bit of a mess...I hope next week will be a better one for me. I'm having a bit of a tough time staying positive at the moment!
So this entry is not all doom and gloom, yesterday was my friend Sasha's wedding. I had a good time, although I'm sure the food was all not good for me! I ate in moderation and didn't bother with anything breaded or rice, but I'm sure my sugar levels were too high. I didn't even check my sugars last night. I took the night off so I could enjoy myself! She had the wedding at a hotel not far from the ocean and it was nice and tropical. Her reception was in this room that over looked the ocean so it was beautiful to watch the sun set and then have all the lights from the city hitting the water. The only thing missing for me was John!
I've been trying to watch the Olympics although I'm not seeing too many Aussies. It's hard to watch it from a different perspective, especially when I want to know how the Aussies are doing. On Friday night I watched the opening ceremony which was great. I was getting tired and when they announced the teams I thought I'd wait to see the Aussies then I could go to sleep! They were second from last!!! At one stage I got a little mad thinking that they had overlooked them during a commercial break, but I kept watching and watching! Then I finally get to see them for a minute, maybe two because then came China! So even though I don't see too much of them I'm still cheering the Aussies on!
John is doing fine and spent the weekend looking for a place to call home. I missed his call last night so I'm not too sure how successful he was. I hope he was able to find something as I'm sure living in a hotel gets old after a while. I also want him to find something more stable because then he'll have less excuses when it comes to emailing me! I miss him a lot, and can't wait for this year to be over.
So I'll let you all know how my doctors appointment went, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be insulin like I've already told in touch again tomorrow!


Amanda said...

Hey Jodi, cheer up! As you know from my blog everyone has those absolute shocker days. You'll get there!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you Jodi. Look after yourself, lean on your friends and remember that things will get better. Every day is one day closer to John coming home and every day is one day closer to your beautiful new baby. It's tough at the moment but I know you'll get through it. Lisa xx

Anonymous said...

hey jod's i'm sorry to hear the diabetes things isn't getting under control like you thought... i'll keep my fingers crossed for you xxxx