Monday, June 8, 2009

John is Almost Home!

Mackenzie's new sunglasses!

This weekend John made it back to America, so he is one step closer to coming home. The flight sounded long because he made stops in Greece, Italy and Portugal. He landed in Norfolk and had a stop in Dallas before arriving in San Antonio! He started is school today and seems to be enjoying himself. I'm just glad to have him a little closer...only 24 more days till he gets to come home!
Mackenzie and I had a good week since my last post. She's eating good and is now onto two meals a day. It seems to change from day to day with how much she eats because one day she does a great job, the next not so good. I don't know when or how to add in the lunchtime meal when she's eating like this. I guess I'll give her a week or so before I include it. She does seem to want to eat more however when I give her the spoon! I think I might possibly have a rather independent (headstrong) little girl on my hands!
This week I also started sitting her in the trolley/shopping cart when we go out. I have a cover thing that sits over the seat so I don't have to worry about germs and she loves it!! She really enjoyed sitting up high and being able to look around. When we were in the lift/elevator she would stare intensely at people for a few uncomfortable minutes, then smile and charm them!! She was quite the flirt with all the guys! I got her these cute sun glasses while we were out and she loves them. I have the cutest photo of her on my phone, but these ones are also cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey sis love the sunnies they make her ginger hair standout more xxxxBG