This was my daughter a matter of days ago!! Since then she has become more confident in her crawling and sitting up and is now also attempting to pull herself up into a standing position. This sleeping angel has been replaced by a monster!!! As you all already know getting Mackenzie to sleep in her own bed hasn't been an easy thing for the both of us. The last few days it's become virtually impossible! The other night with her usual screaming I heard a small thud. I thought the worst and ran in thinking she'd managed to fall out of the crib/cot. Seeing that she was ok I assumed it was the little girl next door being loud and Mackenzie eventually cried herself to sleep. Two days later I hear the thud again and Mackenzie's cry change. Thinking she had fallen out again I rushed in there and realised she had smacked her head on the side of the bed. I settled her down and put her back in and she eventually went to sleep. She is trying to pull herself up into a standing position and falling down. Now we're at the stage that I can't put her in there because she continually smacks her head till I give into her because I'm scared that she is going to really hurt herself or actually work out how to stand up and launch herself out of the bed! When John gets home he needs to lower her bed so we can all get some peace.
Deciding that I was going to win this battle I have as of today started to put her in her portable crib/cot to go to sleep. There is no way she can stand up in it yet, and she can also bang her head against the sides all she wants because it's not going to hurt her. She did not appreciate this at her morning nap, but eventually went to sleep for point to Mummy!!
Crawling about the room.
As I mentioned above she is becoming quite the confident crawler. She doesn't have much speed behind her yet, but she is doing great moving about the room. She is never in the same place I left her!! I'm hoping she'll remain at her turtle pace till John comes home so we can get the house ready for her!! At the moment she's trying to work out how to get my books off the book shelf so she can destroy far they are safe. She has also begun head butting the furniture which she doesn't particularly like! She always seems to want to start rocking on her knees directly in front of the coffee table or tv unit and the other day got a nice little red mark to her head. I guess I need to add ice packs to the shopping list!
Eating has also become a drama filled event! The little angel that opened her mouth and ate everything I put in it has been replaced by a child that has to whine the whole time. As she opens her mouth to protest the injustice of it all I place a mouthful of food in which she proceeds to eat! I still don't understand why she has to whine when she eats!?! What happened to my little girl!?!!
John comes home this Thursday and I can't wait to see him. I think it's going to be a big adjustment for us all, but I'm looking forward to the extra set of hands. At the moment I'm getting the house ready and counting down the days! I'm a bundle of emotions and just want Thursday to be here already!! I hope Mackenzie will be nice to Daddy when she sees him.
With John coming home however I'm having to face the reality that I have to go back to work at some point. I went and visited my old boss the other day to see if she would hire me at her new center so that looks promising. I will be able to put Mackenzie into care there (although I won't be able to work in the same room as her) and it is quite reasonably priced! (I will get half price tuition while she's an infant and eventually free care) She actually called me on Friday and offered me a job with an almost immediate start. Feeling bad for her I almost said yes, but when I stopped and thought about it I was totally not ready to go back yet. I want to spend July with John while he's not working. He'll go back to work in August and be gone in September so I want to be able to spend this time as a family. Also I'm totally not ready to give up Mackenzie yet!! I get sad just thinking about it!! I have to also get her drinking from a bottle! I really don't want to have to go back to work at all and John knows this (I remind him every opportunity I get) but unfortunately to enjoy the lifestyle we lead here in San Diego we have to have two incomes. Going back to work will be a big adjustment for Mackenzie and I...I'll eventually be a single working Mum/Mom who is studying on top of that! I didn't sign up for this!!! The crazy things we do for love!! Three days to go!!