All dressed up and ready to go see Yo Gabba Gabba!
This weekend just past was Thanksgiving and it was a quiet one for us. We had Dakota over for a night which went well. We had a little birthday cake for her as it was her birthday this Monday past. Mackenzie treated her with total apprehension. She would stare at her and watch every move she made, but when she spoke to her Mackenzie's only reply would be "NO!" What can I daughter is not a people person.
Her Foofa Van's
On Sunday we went to the concert and it was a lot of fun!! I believe Mackenzie enjoyed herself, but at first I think she was a little overwhelmed. She kept calling out to Toodee who has now become her favorite character! She danced and tried to catch balloons, but I think was getting a little tired and bored near the end. John thought an hour wasn't going to be long enough, but I think it was just right!! I would definitely recommend going to see it if you have any little Gabba fans living with you.
In her big seat waiting for the show to begin.
This is my first week of not working and I have to admit I'm a little lost. I'm keeping myself busy and stuff, but I miss seeing my friends everyday. Mackenzie is transitioning into the twos classroom this week and it's been ok. She cries when I drop her off which is traumatic for us both. I think she's made the realization that she can no longer see me whenever she wants and it's been a little tough on her. It's cute though because her good friend Deuce made the move with her so he's always there for her with a hug when she's crying. I hope she settles in soon because when she does start crying I just want to pick her up and take her home with me.
Having a snack and watching the show.
On Friday I went and had my ultrasound and the baby looks ok. The technician says that she's measuring around 6 pounds 10 ounces so she's not too big which is what I was scared about. I also started visiting the fetal assessment unit this week too and it all seems fine on that end too. I'm tired and uncomfortable most of the time now and I'm having trouble sleeping so I'm ready for her to come out. I go see the doctor next week so hopefully he'll tell me what I want which is that I'll be induced before Christmas.
DJ Lance Rock in person!!
So on Friday my baby is turning 2!! I can't believe how fast this has come about. Tomorrow we are heading up to Disneyland for two days to celebrate her birthday there. She still doesn't get the whole party thing so I figured she would much prefer to spend her day there. We have packed up her gifts and she's been asking about Small World all this week! We will let you know how it goes when we get back!
The whole Gabba gang!
Anyway it's time for me to go pick up my girl from school so until next time...
With her balloon! (Of course she dropped it on the way out and it flew off!)
Biz Markie doing Biz's Beat of the Day!
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