All dressed up in her kangaroo costume and ready for school! (I love her cell/mobile phone in her pouch!)
We had Halloween a couple of weeks ago and Mackenzie had a lot of fun dressing up for school and doing some stuff around the house. We decided not to go out trick or treating as we figured she was still a little too young to understand the whole concept, not to mention we would probably end up with a very stressed out child having to approach all those strangers! She is still a little stand offish around people she does not know so we didn't see the point in upsetting her just for candy!
My little Aussie Kangaroo!
On Friday we had a day of Halloween festivities at school which all the kids enjoy, especially the older ones. All the kids come to school dressed up and we do activities and go trick or treating around the school. Our little ones didn't really know what to make of it but we read some "scary" stories, did some art and some dancing and took them around the school to collect their candy. After that we went back to our classrooms so we could hand out candy to the other kids. Once that was done we put them back into their regular clothes, fed them lunch and got them off to sleep!
Mackenzie and her man Deuce. Now when she sees a picture of Woody she calls him Deuce! (Deuce doesn't really look like a happy cowboy here!)
Once we were all awake from our naps we had a little party for the kids where they ate a whole bunch of stuff they don't normally eat and made a mess for us to clean up! Luckily for us not too many of them were into the cupcakes and cookies so we didn't have too many hyped up children. Mackenzie and I got to go home not long after that, so I was happy to not have to deal with too much of the sugar melt down!!
Don't they make the cutest couple!!
All ready to go trick or treating!
They weren't so co-operative by the time we got back!!
Mackenzie pigging out with her friends at their little party!
Posing with her teacher Ms Lynda!
Getting ready to decorate her pumpkins with Daddy.
Sunday was Halloween and like I already mentioned we had a quiet day at home. Mackenzie had fun decorating her little pumpkins with her Dad with these face pieces we found. It was kind of like a Mr Potato head thing where you chose what facial features you wanted and pushed them in. She really enjoyed looking at all the different eyes, noses and mouths etc.
Fixing the eyes to one of her pumpkins.
Hard at work!!
The end result.
Seeing what's in her treat bag.
Taking after both of us Mackenzie learned to enjoy the sweet side of Halloween asking for candy or chocolate whenever she thought we were eating it. Because we weren't taking her out we got her a little treat bag with some goodies which she enjoyed. We got her some marshmallows, a torch and some cars from the movie Cars. (one of her favorite movies)
Now when we are watching tv if any kind of chocolate commercial comes on she yells out "Chocolate!" and when we acknowledge her she says, "In my mouth." We have definitely created a monster/sweet tooth!
Not really wanting to help Daddy carve the pumpkin.
We also (well John did) carved a pumpkin which Mackenzie didn't really take much of an interest in. She wasn't too keen on touching the insides of the pumpkin at all, so John got stuck with doing the majority of the work! She did however enjoy the end product although she wanted to keep the pumpkins inside with us rather than have them outside.
The end products!
Dressed up again for the trick and treaters.
We then got Mackenzie dressed up again and got ready for the kids to come to our house. We had a decent turn out, although a lot of the kids or should I say teenagers came to the house not even dressed up. John said I shouldn't give them anything, but I didn't want them coming back and doing stuff to the house so I just handed them the candy. It's kind of sad that a lot of people in our area just see it as an opportunity to get free candy. We did get quite a few dressed up kids which Mackenzie enjoyed seeing. Of course she was a little shy, but when she heard the door bell she ran to it saying "Kids!"
It got late and we all had to get up early the next day so we locked up at around 8pm and headed upstairs for bed. I couldn't believe it though that I was still hearing the door bell after 9! We had a nice day and I think Mackenzie had a lot of fun!
Dressed up for school
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