Sunday, November 15, 2009

Never Enough Time!!

Mackenzie's latest trick...if she doesn't like what's going on she lays down on the floor and has a cry!

I guess it makes me feel good that I have readers who miss me! Sorry it's taken a while to update the blog. There just never seems to be enough hours in the day for me sometimes. Mackenzie keeps me busier and busier! She is into everything these days and the house is starting to look like it's been ransacked! She is also standing up on her own quite a bit so I guess it's only a matter of time before she's taking her first steps. I just hope they don't happen while she is at school. There is a little push car there that she plays with all the time and I've seen her push the car across the room, so I hope she will save her first steps for me!

Getting up to no good! (She was ready for bed and I was trying to get ready for the next day before going to bed myself!)

Above is just some of the stuff she's getting into at the moment. I know that the container should not be on the floor, but it was there for a matter of minutes while I was trying to get myself organized for work. Mackenzie pushed it into the bathroom which I thought was fine because she was entertaining herself...this is how I found her minutes later! She pulls everything out of my draws, books out of the book shelf....whatever she can get her hands on it gets thrown about a room. Now I'm no where near a clean freak, so I guess Mackenzie is going to take after her messy Mum! This week I was most unhappy with John for not baby proofing the draws like he was meant to, especially when she closed her finger in the draw. After we took care of the finger and her tears she was right back there again!

Finally she's big enough to wear your clothes Auntie Binny! One of your dresses!

We haven't been up to a whole lot. I am trying to get all the Christmas gifts that have to be mailed off organized. At the moment I have some boxes all set up as I wrap the gifts and address the boxes etc. Mackenzie has had a great time playing with the boxes. I guess I shouldn't be spending all the money on her for Christmas when I could just buy her a bunch of mailing boxes! Last weekend we went to an outlet mall with my friend Brittny for some shopping which was nice. I got some good deals at a few stores, but got suckered at one store though where I started buying from the full price racks. I guess it goes to show that I haven't done a whole lot of outlet shopping in my life. I guess I'll be more prepared for next time!

It was great to catch up with Brittny. She is literally weeks or maybe even days away from having her little baby so it was nice to see her before her life gets crazy. She has a bunch of family coming beginning next week so I probably won't see much of her until life gets back to normal for her.
We haven't heard from John in days now and it's beginning to wear on me. At first I was mad and frustrated at him because I thought he was too busy, but I have since learned from Facebook that they have shut down communications as they have work to do. I get it, but at the same time it really sucks. I mean isn't it enough to take them away from their families, especially this time of the year, but to keep them from's just another reason why I'm beginning to really detest the Navy. I know some of you are going to read this and say the usual "You knew what you were getting into when you married him", well yes I did know that we would spend time apart, but he hasn't been home now since July 2008 and I am tired.

Mackenzie's first big girl nightie/pjs

The weather is getting cooler here so I have been buying Mackenzie a bunch of clothes (any excuse) for the weather. I got her this cute nightie and she is yet to wear it for a complete night! I don't know what happens but she gets really hot so I end up having to take it off so we can both get some sleep! I get worried that she's going to get cold in the night because she won't sleep under the covers, but I guess I don't need to worry. It's funny because I'm under the blanket and she's next to me in just a nappy/diaper and a singlet/vest!

Going through my bag

We have one more week until Thanksgiving and I'm really looking forward to it! That week we only have three days of work so the four days off will be a great opportunity to relax a little and attempt to get this house in order. We had a few invitations to go have dinner with friends, but I'm going to take this opportunity to just relax at home. My plan is to make dinner for Mackenzie and I and start a few traditions of our own.
I have some extra photos of Mackenzie in her Aussie shirt which I haven't downloaded onto the computer yet, so once I do I'll make sure to add them here! Have a good week...

Me and my girl


Amanda said...

Thanks for putting up some more pics - Henry trashes my house too
Lounge room - 3 boxes of toys tipped out every day. Games room - more toys and blocks tipped out and the odd dvd too. Kitchen - fridge magnets on the floor and under the fridge, tupperware cupboard emptied. Scrapbook room - 3 toy boxes tipped out, scrap paper drawers tipped out, other random scrapbook stuff on the floor, big boys certificate albums on the floor, wooden stamps on the floor. Bedroom - more toys and some of my clothes on the floor. Bathroom - all those containers of shampoo etc on the floor. And dont get me started on his room or the playroom!!

Belynda said...

Hey sis looking good, our little macca's getting so big now and looking good in her dress hehe... I try and get her something she can wear straight away next time xxxx