All dressed up and ready for the first day of the new school year!
This week we started our new school year. The day went by like any other day on our side of the school, but for the bigger kids I hope it was a little more exciting! Our director asked us to make a bit of an effort so I got Mackenzie and I dressed up nice, and in the end we ended up going home a little early as half of my class was out on vacation/holiday. It was actually a rather nice week as my class was low. Next week on the other hand is probably going to be crazy as I go from having four to eight...wish me luck there!
It was a pretty uneventful week for us. This week we will be on our own again for a little while as John is heading out for the last time. It's only going to be a little trip, but I think this one is going to be tough on Mackenzie as she's so used to having her Daddy around. This past week when he was on duty she asked for him all night! I think she'll be a little confused for first couple of days and will eventually get used to it. My plan is to keep us busy so the time flies. We have to organize John's birthday for when he gets back and I also have a work thing one night that will take up some time.
She's always taking someone to school.
Mackenzie is doing great and is talking so much these days. I have been struggling with a little head cold or allergies at the moment so every time I sneeze she says, "Bless you Mama." It's the cutest thing ever!! Other cute things she says now is every day when I ask her what she wants to eat for dinner she will yell out, "Chicken!!" Unfortunately that means chicken nuggets! She will eat what ever I put in front of her (most days), but it's a little sad that she is so obsessed with chicken nuggets. At school this week one of her friends had them for lunch a couple of days and she ended up throwing a fit because she wanted to eat his nuggets. I ended up sending some to school just so the girls wouldn't have to deal with her tantrum and that day he didn't have them so she quietly ate her sandwich with no complaints!!
Saturday as I was helping her up the stairs each and every time she tripped or lost her footing she said, "Shit!" I tried my hardest not to laugh, but I couldn't believe she was saying it in the right context! I guess with an Australian and a sailor as parents there is no hope for her!!