Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Party

All dressed up for her Valentines party at school

It's been a really busy week for me, and now we're enjoying our four day weekend. On top of the craziness that seems to be work these days we also had our Valentine's party on Thursday which meant a busy week for me as I made cupcakes for Mackenzie's party, brownies for her teachers, cards for her friends to put on the treats from both her and I and the little odds and ends from work that needed to be done! On Wednesday night I had a little laugh to myself because I had to finish off the cards the kids had made for their parents, and there I was making my own card!!
Mackenzie enjoyed her party! Her and the other kids made a great mess with their cupcakes! Most of that unfortunately I got on the camcorder so I don't have any pics of that. She has actually developed quite the sweet tooth and has begun to learn my hiding places and tries at most meals to negotiate for a chocolate chip cookie...that includes breakfast! At lunch yesterday she got most upset when my co-worker ate a cookie and wouldn't give her one. She rolled her eyes at her and refused to eat her much healthier lunch!

Showing off her heart (and her belly so it seems!)

We haven't really much to tell you! The weather is great, we both seem to be healthy and I'm looking forward to have a break from work! For Valentines Day I'm planning on taking Mackenzie to the zoo so I'm looking forward to that. As for the rest of the weekend I'm not sure what we are going to do. I think I just want to relax!

The brownies I made for Mackenzie's teachers.

John is doing fine and I have gotten to talk to him a lot more these days. This week the ship completed 100 straight days at sea! I don't know how he does it because I think I would be a little stir crazy! He wasn't as excited as what the captain was at achieving that! I think we are very close to having a home coming date which is kind of surreal. He called last night and wasn't able to talk dates of course, but told me that he would probably be flying in and that it could possibly be earlier than the previous date, which means he should be home for my birthday. Part of me wants to jump up and down with excitement, but the other part of me is waiting to be told that it's not going to happen. I will have to keep you all posted on this, but in the meantime please keep your fingers crossed for us...I really want my husband home!

The cupcakes!


Unknown said...

Love all the Valentine's stuff. I love the new background too!!!

Jess said...

Love your new background Jodi! Hope you had a bit of a chance to relax over the weekend - sounds like you've been a very busy girl! Cute cupcakes! Finn has a sweet tooth too - they are a match made in heaven already! Lol. Keeping my fingers crossed for good news on John's homecoming. xx