Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Last Week Without Work

Maegen growing bigger every day!

With one more week to go before heading back to work I did my best to relax a little and tried to get organized for the next week. We also went and visited with my friend Brittny who had just had her baby. Her son Cameron was born weighing 9 pounds 13 oz!! He's such a cutie and it was great to catch up with Brittny and her family!
Maegen and her new friend Cameron and his big brother DJ!

Maegen sharing secrets with Cameron
Two cuties together!

Mackenzie and her best friend Deuce up to no good in the bathroom!

They love each other!!

Mackenzie eating her favorite food in the whole, wide world....chocolate!!

Self portrait time with my girl!

Mackenzie after having fun outside with Daddy!!

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