Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sophie's Birthday

Enjoying something to eat at Sophie's party.

Yesterday we went to Mackenzie's friend Sophie's party. Sophie's mum is one of my good friends who I used to work with. Unfortunately she no longer lives in San Diego so we don't get to see our friends as much as we would like, but yesterday we made the very long drive to their house to share Sophie's special day. It took us an hour and a half to get there and luckily for me Mackenzie slept nearly all the way there. On the hour and a half drive home she slept most of the way so the trip wasn't as bad as I thought it could be.

Sophie opening her present from us...I loved this outfit and bought one for Mackenzie too!

Mackenzie had a great time at the party. This was the first time she actually played and had fun. Every other time we've gone somewhere she would get all shy and not move from my lap. At the party she played with Sophie, talked, played and had a lot of fun. I think a lot of it had to do with Sophie's ball pit...Mackenzie loved it! Sophie's ball pit was this cool blow up bus and Mackenzie spent most of the time in it. It was actually nice to see her interact for once and for everyone else to see the happy little girl that I see all the time!

Her static hair!

Looking through the door of the bus!

"Mummy you have to get me one of these!"

Sophie about to dig into her birthday cake!

Me and my girl

So tomorrow we are back to work/school and we have to go for a full week! I don't know if either of us are ready for that. It's been nice having three day weeks. Mackenzie is in my room and is all ready to go. She has new big girl shoes and a great big blanket, and I only hope she will be good and allow me to do my job.

Back at home having a drink on the steps.

John is doing fine and we have had the chance to talk to him this weekend which has been nice. Mackenzie got to listen to Daddy told although she wouldn't talk to him. Anyway I need to go take care of Mackenzie as she's pitching a fit...stay tuned for the end of the week and I'll let you know how Mackenzie's first week as a big girl goes!

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