Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Photo Update!!

This is how I found her after spending time with Daddy!

It's been a while since I've been on here so for now I'm going to update the photos then write about what we've been up to tomorrow night...or that's my plan anyway! I've spent most of the night catching up on the blogs that I follow so that shows just how long it's been since I've been on here! Life is good, but busy. I've been on my own with girls a bit over this past month as John has been busy with work and is getting ready to start going out again. It hasn't been easy, but we are getting by. The girls are both doing good and growing so fast...too fast sometimes. Anyway enjoy the pics and hopefully tomorrow allows me the time to write!!
My mischievous one!!

Me and my superbaby!!

At the zoo for Father's Day

Checking out the ducks and the koi at the zoo.

She's one cool kid!

She's getting so big!

She loves to watch us eat...at times I think she would eat what we eat already if I let her!!

Mackenzie loves to "cook"!

Trying carrots for the first time! (I'm making all her food myself...no store bought this time around)

She likes it!!

Food drunk...

Shopping at target...this shopping cart is so convenient, but it feels like you are driving a mack truck!!

All dressed up for school

She loves to play!

Enjoying one of her favorite foods...watermelon!

A pic before Daddy leaves!

We love our Daddy!

Maegen taking a nap with her teddy bear.