Let me start by saying that I have down loaded the photos in the wrong order! The Disneyland photos are from this weekend just passed. We went on Sunday and as per usual had a lot of fun! We started out early by going to a character breakfast which was a lot of fun. Mackenzie wasn't really feeling it however so we didn't get a whole lot of shots. Every time someone tried to approach her she would go to her happy place and put her head down and refuse to look at anyone. I guess we should have known we were not off to a good start when she didn't want to wake up in the morning. She is a lot like me when it comes to being woken up...she does not like it!! She eventually got into the spirit of the day and got happy and ended up having a blast. She is already trying to talk her Daddy into going back again. She wants to go back to the scary ride, which is the haunted mansion, which seems to be her favorite ride at the moment.
At the moment we are all sick. John has been fighting off a cold now for a little over a week now and Mackenzie and I now have it. We all stayed home from school today as Mackenzie ended up with a little fever yesterday. I took her to the doctor today and her lungs and ears are clear so I guess she now just has to fight it off. I also got the doctor to take a quick look at Maegen to make sure she is ok and she is fine also. All her congestion is in her nose so hopefully with rest and time we will all get better again.
We haven't been up to a whole lot here in sunny San Diego. I guess we have just been sticking to the routine of going to work and school and all that that involves. I had a very nice Mother's Day a few weeks back. We went out for brunch to a Mexican restaurant then we went over to the mall for a little retail therapy. After that it was home again to a mountain of laundry that wasn't going to give me a day off. I got the blu ray Gone With the Wind as my gift so I spent the afternoon watching that. It has been a while since I watched it and I forgot just how long it is. I didn't get to finish with constant interruptions, but that's ok I guess it's not going anywhere!
Maegen is doing great and growing up way too fast. She is now five months old and is such a happy baby. We attempted to start her on rice cereal, but in the end I didn't feel like she was quite ready. She ate it ok and seemed to like it but got very frustrated when she couldn't get it in her mouth quick enough. I'm going to try again in a week or so. She is now also holding her own bottle when she wants too and has begun to sit up on her own for a little while. To be honest I haven't tried that too much, but her teachers at school have tried it and she sits up ok but can not do it on her own just yet.
Mackenzie is obsessed with Princess Tiana from the Princess and the Frog and watches the movie at least a couple times a week. This week just passed saw her reach a major milestone as she is now pretty much potty trained. The only problem is is that she is still refusing to do it at home. She goes to the bathroom all day at school, including sleeping for her nap in her underwear. I have even seen her choose to go to the bathroom without being reminded (I was very proud of that) but when we get home she tells us that she is going to wait for Ms Cristina and will sit on the potty, but no do anything. The minute she gets off she pees everywhere. Her teacher is trying to help by encouraging her to take the next step and go to the potty at home, but I guess we have to wait until she is ready to do it. No matter when she decides to finally do it at home I am still so proud of my baby for the progress she has made!!