Friday, December 31, 2010

Maegen's Arrival

Welcome to the world Maegen!!

Tuesday, December 21st ended up being a very busy, exciting day for us!! It all started around 6:30 when I was horribly woken up by Mackenzie falling out of our bed. (yes, she is still sleeping in our bed although no where near as much as before!) I got out of bed to quickly comfort her and make sure she hadn't done too much damage on the way down. She was ok, just upset and a little scared by being woken up like that. Once I knew she was fine and John was there I had to hand her over as I needed to pee real bad!! I went and used the bathroom, then as I was coming out I felt like I had peed myself. I told John what had happened then jumped into the shower to clean myself up.

A tired and slightly drugged Mummy and Maegen

Once I was showered and dressed again I went and got back to bed, only to start feeling some pain and the over whelming urge to pee yet again. This time when I went to the bathroom I noticed a little pink and came to the realization that this could be it!! I went out and told John who tried to remain calm, but got a little worried because there was nothing packed yet. I had been meaning to pack a bag now for a least a week, but in the frustration of her not coming and being totally over being pregnant I started to feel that packing a bag might just jinx me!! So we started the process of packing bags, getting all three of us dressed and ready to go and me trying to with stand the pain which was getting worse and worse!!

Getting checked over

We finally had everything together and in the car and headed off to the hospital. At this time we were part way through one of the wettest weeks that Southern California has seen in years! Traffic was bad, everything was water soaked and I was trying to remain calm and hoping we would get to the hospital on time. We arrived safe and sound and I eventually got checked in, then had to wait for what seemed like forever to be checked over by a doctor to see if this was it. By the time they got around to seeing me I was in a lot of pain and very impatient and grumpy!! I experienced a lot more pain than what I did with Mackenzie!! Anyway in between my cursing through the pain they told me it was time and I was about 4 cms dilated. We got moved into a birthing room and they attempted to get me settled in.

Getting weighed and measured.

Now while this was all happening John was able to stay with me, but had the challenge of keeping Mackenzie occupied. Even though John's Mom was in town Mackenzie was not comfortable with her so I didn't want to leave her with her and be worried that my girl was ok. She thought the rooms were fantastic though as there was so much stuff to touch!! After getting settled the wonderful doctor came in to offer me a epidural and I thought all my prayers were about to be answered. I got it but never felt the wonderful feeling that came over me with Mackenzie. I couldn't get settled and could still feel some pain. John decided that he would go get the bags from the car so I tried to relax and let some people know that it was time.

Because I couldn't get comfortable the nurse decided that she would check me and said, "You're ready to push do you want your husband here to see it?" Of course I did!!! In a slight panic I started to call John who of course didn't answer his phone! I tried his phone for what seemed like a hundred times and finally on turn 101 he picked up!! "You need to get here now or you're going to miss it!" I think I yelled down the phone. He appeared carrying Mackenzie and the bags and looking a little exhausted, then it was time to start pushing. Both John and Mackenzie were able to experience Maegen's arrival!

So at 12:36 pm Maegen Elaine Douglas arrived weighing 8 pounds, 3 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. It was nice to have Mackenzie there too as she was able to see Maegen from the start so she didn't just arrive in the room and there was a new baby! I was able to deliver Maegen with out any tears or anything so I was very happy with that. She had a little trouble at the start with feeding so eventually they had to give her some formula because they had to monitor her blood sugar levels. They gave it to her via a syringe so she would eventually start to breastfeed. She also had some problems maintaining her core temperature, but personally I think that was because they kept her naked and on a separate bed. It did have a lamp on it to keep her warm and eventually they were happy enough to allow us to move to our recovery room.

A proud, but exhausted Daddy!

Unfortunately she was a little slow with taking to the breast which was a little stressful as she dropped a lot of weight and they started talking about not letting us go home if her weight didn't come up. So on the second day and night I worked really hard at making sure she ate almost every two hours. At that stage I was getting very frustrated because all I wanted to do was go home and every different team had a different idea as what was best. They expect you to rest and bond with your child and get them eating, but it takes a few days for your milk to come in and then they're in and out at all hours of the day and night doing tests and taking your child and stuff. But after reassuring people I knew what I was doing and Maegen getting the all clear they let us leave Thursday afternoon!

All dressed up for the trip home.

She is now doing great when it comes to eating!! She also sleeps a lot better than what Mackenzie ever did. She like her sister prefers to sleep with her Mummy, but I'm trying my hardest to be a little tougher than what I was with Mackenzie! Mackenzie has made the transition a lot better than I thought she would. She likes to hug and kiss her sister and will occasionally help me out. We gave her a doll of her own that was a gift from Maegen so she takes care of her doll sometimes. She is also very attached to Daddy which has made the transition of having Maegen join our family a little easier. It's also been great to have John around to help as I couldn't have done this one on my own. He had a tough couple of days going to and from the hospital and taking care of Mackenzie. He often commented that everyone always asks about the Mum, but never the Dad. (smile) He has now caught up on his sleep and I think has made the adjustment to having two to look after. He was able to add his paternal leave onto his Holiday leave so he will be home for I believe another week which I am really happy about.

Ready to go home.

As for me I'm recovering fine. I've had a lot more aches and pains than what I did with Mackenzie which I think is just a reminder that I have to take things easy sometimes. I mainly start feeling sore when I over do it. It's been a huge adjustment going from one child to two, but I think I'm starting to settle into it. I have been a little more emotional this time around, but again I think that is just trying to adjust to two. I have had a few bouts of feeling sad because I feel I'm not always there for Mackenzie. She doesn't seem to be showing any signs of resentment or jealously, I think it's just me being tough on myself. I think as a mother we always want to do the best job we can do for our kids, but at times we are way too hard on ourselves.

Bonding with her big sister

John's Mom goes home this coming Monday so from there we will adjust to being on our own again, getting Mackenzie back into school and getting back into the routine of John being back at work. With a new born New Years will be a quiet one for us. I only hope that I will actually be asleep by midnight!! Whatever it is that you do I hope you all have a wonderful and safe time and that 2011 brings you all nothing but good things!!
Talk to you next year!!! (Unless I get time to update some more before this day is over!!)

I love my two girls!!!

Maegen's first Christmas

Relaxing at home

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mackenzie's 2nd Birthday

On the Dumbo ride for the first time ever.

Hard to believe, but my baby turned 2 December 3rd and we celebrated with two days at Disneyland!! Mackenzie had a blast! She went on a lot of rides we had never taken her on before and she loved them all. She definitely gets her adventurous streak from her Daddy because a lot of those rides I don't think I could even go on for fear of throwing up!! Daddy definitely had a busy time of it taking her on all those rides while I sat and watched and took it easy. Some of her new favorite rides include the Dumbo ride, the ladybug from Bugs Life ride, the Ferris Wheel and a car ride called Autopia. (we're not too sure if she should have even been allowed to go on that one as she might not have met the height requirement, but the guy didn't check her properly then tried to stop them as they were almost at the ride.) She also went on the Pirates of the Caribbean for the first time too, but wasn't too pleased with that one!
Of course we also had to go on her favorites. We went on It's a Small World I don't know how many times and it was cute because it was all done up for Christmas. Every time it would end we would get off the ride and have to drag her away because she would want to get right back on! It's a cute ride, but trust me you don't want to do it back to back as it's about 15 minutes of the Small World song which as you can imagine gets a little repetitive after a while. In the two days though she got to go on it quite a bit so I think she was happy enough!

Enjoying Dumbo with Daddy!

We went up Thursday and Friday and Thursday was a great day as there weren't too many people to contend with. We stayed at one of the hotels on the resort (it's called Paradise Pier) and went to a character breakfast on Friday for Mackenzie's birthday. It was cute because a character called the hotel room to wish Mackenzie a happy birthday (she wasn't too interested in talking to Goofy that morning) and they give you a badge that lets everyone know that today is your birthday. We had to take that off her after a while because as you can imagine she wasn't too comfortable with all those strangers talking to her.

On a train ride with Dad.

Disneyland is so beautiful at Christmas time as they do a great job with the decorating. It was also a little cold while we were there which made it a lot more comfortable than going during the hotter part of the year. Being as pregnant as I am I don't think I would have lasted every long had it been too hot!! The walking got a little uncomfortable for me at times, but I got to do a lot of sitting and waiting for John and Mackenzie while they were on the rides so I survived ok. After two days of it though I was ready to go home!! Of course we can't wait to go again, but I guess next time we'll have two little ones to cart around!

Saying hi to her friend Tigger!!

On the carousel with Daddy!

Turn number two or three of It's a Small World for the day!

Looking around It's a Small World her favorite ride in the whole world!!!

Since getting back from Disneyland we've been busy with everything that comes with this time of year, not to mention trying to get ourselves prepared for the baby's arrival. We have pretty much got the majority of our Christmas shopping done, now all I have to do is wrap it and hide it from little fingers who want to rip it open! John also found a buyer for the truck and hands over the keys today. We ended up selling it ourselves as we knew the dealerships were trying to rip us off. It's a great truck. It might be an older model but it has very little miles on it for it's age which is why we knew it was worth more than what they were trying to give us.

A Christmas tree in Toontown

Mackenzie is doing great and appears to be a lot more settled in her new classroom. I think she's also made the realization that I'll always come back and get her as she hasn't cried when I leave now for a while. She is busy preparing for her Christmas performance which will be this Thursday. I'm not too sure how she's going to go when she sees all those parents there, but hopefully she'll stay with her group long enough for us to get some pics.

Me and my girl.

Getting ready to drive with Daddy!

John is doing great and goes on vacation/holiday this week for the holiday season. He'll go back before New Years so the second part of the ship can have their leave, then he'll probably take more time off after that as he is entitled to paternal leave for when the baby comes. Mackenzie is totally obsessed with John at the moment and wants to be where ever he is. Sometimes the mornings can be a little tough as John is gone before she wakes up, but she is enjoying her Daddy picking her up from school. I'm actually kind of glad that she is wanting to spend so much time with her Dad as it will hopefully be a little easier on her when I'm in the hospital.

Driving all by herself!

The birthday girl with all her stash!!

Looking at her Peppa Pig from Auntie Paula

Getting into the swing of opening her gifts.

Her back pack with a doll in it from her Great Nan.

As for me I'm tired and ready to have this baby!! This pregnancy has definitely been a lot tougher than when I had Mackenzie. I've felt so many more aches and pains and the whole late diagnosis with gestational diabetes has meant for a lot of frustration. I've started weekly trips to see the doctor now and I also go to the fetal assessment unit weekly too so I'm starting to feel like the hospital is my second home! My blood sugars are good when I am good and when the doctor checked me out last week he said I was 1 to 2 cm dilated which is considered normal with second time Mums. At that appointment though my blood pressure was a little erratic so he wanted to check to make sure that I don't have preclampsia (I'm pretty sure I've spelled that wrong) which meant I had to collect my pee for an entire 24 hour period!! I wasn't too happy doing that! I handed in my huge container of pee on Friday so I imagine if there is anything wrong I should hear about it today. Fingers crossed I don't have it. I am ready for this baby to be out though that's for sure!!

Some puzzles from Mummy and Daddy

A quick break from the presents to doing some filming!!

More presents!!

...still more!

"Please!! No more!!"

Ok, Toy Story 3...I like it!!

This week will probably be another busy one for us. Like I mentioned earlier John has time off which always means getting stuff done, we have Mackenzie's Christmas performance on Thursday and on Friday John's Mum will be arriving for a vacation. So this week we'll be busy getting stuff ready for that, doing some last minute Christmas shopping and getting ready for the baby. Hopefully the next time I write on here it's to share the news of our new little girl....fingers crossed!!

Saying hi to Chip or is it Dale?

Mackenzie's new friend Eeyore.

I don't think she knew what to make of Captain Hook!

Her old pal Tigger!!

Minnie Mouse!

Being a big girl on the carousel!

Enjoying (or maybe not so much) a cupcake for her birthday!

Too tired to party Friday night!!

The castle!

The beautiful tree!!

A family shot at breakfast on our last day!

Self portrait time!!

Meeting Stitch for the first time!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba!

All dressed up and ready to go see Yo Gabba Gabba!

This weekend just past was Thanksgiving and it was a quiet one for us. We had Dakota over for a night which went well. We had a little birthday cake for her as it was her birthday this Monday past. Mackenzie treated her with total apprehension. She would stare at her and watch every move she made, but when she spoke to her Mackenzie's only reply would be "NO!" What can I daughter is not a people person.

Her Foofa Van's

On Sunday we went to the concert and it was a lot of fun!! I believe Mackenzie enjoyed herself, but at first I think she was a little overwhelmed. She kept calling out to Toodee who has now become her favorite character! She danced and tried to catch balloons, but I think was getting a little tired and bored near the end. John thought an hour wasn't going to be long enough, but I think it was just right!! I would definitely recommend going to see it if you have any little Gabba fans living with you.

In her big seat waiting for the show to begin.

This is my first week of not working and I have to admit I'm a little lost. I'm keeping myself busy and stuff, but I miss seeing my friends everyday. Mackenzie is transitioning into the twos classroom this week and it's been ok. She cries when I drop her off which is traumatic for us both. I think she's made the realization that she can no longer see me whenever she wants and it's been a little tough on her. It's cute though because her good friend Deuce made the move with her so he's always there for her with a hug when she's crying. I hope she settles in soon because when she does start crying I just want to pick her up and take her home with me.

Having a snack and watching the show.

On Friday I went and had my ultrasound and the baby looks ok. The technician says that she's measuring around 6 pounds 10 ounces so she's not too big which is what I was scared about. I also started visiting the fetal assessment unit this week too and it all seems fine on that end too. I'm tired and uncomfortable most of the time now and I'm having trouble sleeping so I'm ready for her to come out. I go see the doctor next week so hopefully he'll tell me what I want which is that I'll be induced before Christmas.

DJ Lance Rock in person!!

So on Friday my baby is turning 2!! I can't believe how fast this has come about. Tomorrow we are heading up to Disneyland for two days to celebrate her birthday there. She still doesn't get the whole party thing so I figured she would much prefer to spend her day there. We have packed up her gifts and she's been asking about Small World all this week! We will let you know how it goes when we get back!

The whole Gabba gang!

Anyway it's time for me to go pick up my girl from school so until next time...

With her balloon! (Of course she dropped it on the way out and it flew off!)

Biz Markie doing Biz's Beat of the Day!